Zoom Décor Candles - 300 ml
  • Décor Candles - 300 ml
  • Décor Candles - 300 ml
  • Décor Candles - 300 ml
  • Décor Candles - 300 ml
  • Décor Candles - 300 ml
  • Décor Candles - 300 ml

Décor Candles - 300 ml

FREE Gift Will Be Available Within

R 500.00

New Range


  1. 300ml reusable tumbler
  2. Luxury Gift box
  3. Pure soy wax and botanical oils
  4. Safe to use as a moisturizer
  5. Exquisite fine fragrance blends and essential oils

Candle Information

  • All our candles are a blend of 100% natural soy wax and botanical oils
  • Our massage formula is a softer blend to allow for more ‘slip”.
  • We can offer this as a variant as well:
     - Regular Blend - burns longer
     - Massage Blend - Blends easier for massage.
  • All our fragrances are all dermatologically tested

Décor Candles - 300 ml

R 500.00

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