Find the balance: secrets to living your best life

Find the balance. "Yeah right!" Not in the world we live in today. It feels like the earth is spinning faster than ever before, never giving us enough time in a day to achieve all that we want to do. We are all juggling a million different aspects on a daily basis that finding a balance takes a back seat. Its chaos, we know!

Yes, you get those people, you find yourself drifting off watching them like its a movie. You know the ones we're talking about, they just look like they have it all together. Well, they don't! You might feel like your life's a shambles, but everyone's sort of is, and that's OK! You don't need to have it all figured out, but you may sometimes need a helping hand along the way.

Balance may mean something different to each individual and comes in physical forms, emotional forms, and a spiritual form. To us, balance means making time for the things we have to do, as well as the things we like to do. 

There are certain things we have to do, like eat, sleep and bathe. Some of us have to work and raise children. Then there are a whole bunch of smaller things we have to do, like grocery shopping, renew our drivers license, drop the kids off at extra, murals, buy your husband an anniversary gift, the list is basically endless. 

It is however important to create a harmonious balance between the things we have to do and the things that bring us pleasure. These could be exercising, reading, sticking to a healthy diet, relaxing and having time for yourself, painting, writing a personal blog, going to the movies, seeing friends, spending time with family or enjoying a night out. 

So how do we find the balance? In order for our bodies to feel rejuvenated and refreshed in order to accomplish balance and do all of the things we want to on top of the things we have to, we need to make sure that we are doing the following, these are not really secrets per se, but we promise that practicing these elements religiously will make the rat race of daily life a little bit easier ...

Adequate rest and sleep

It is a scientific fact that the body cannot function at its full capacity if you have not had adequate rest and sleep. If you want the chaos to get worse, try this tactic. But we don't recommend it. Six to eight hours of proper sleep each night will do absolute wonders for you well being and mental state. You will be able to deal with the daily mayhem called life and cope a lot better.

Having a support system

Knowing there is someone out there that cares about our wellbeing is not only a comforting feeling but it helps us to cope. 

Have quiet and down time

Refocus, reflect, rejuvinate and refuel. This type of self love can be achieved by reading a good book, doing yoga or pilates, meditating or focussing on your breathing, listening to music you love in your own space

As well as fun and playful time 

Getting dressed up and hitting the town with your girls, staying in bed all day getting caught up in books or series, have a glass of wine after a long day, going away for the weekend, or enjoying a quiet dinner with your loved one, whatever your fun, do it! And do it often. We have to be able to let our hair down sometimes, and you should definitely not feel guilty about it.